December 2015

Getting to the Root of it...

Weather Wednesday

The average Temperature on
December 16
in Toledo, Ohio, is
37 degrees.
Tune in to WTVG at 6 am on December 19, 2015.
Whatever the high temperture for the day is
The Christmas Shoppe at Bench's
and receive that % discount on any 1 item*!
* excludes Gift Certificates, 2016 Shirts, Live Plants & Greens, Discounted Items & Cemetery
Seedin & Weedin...

Mint Jelly Thumprints
1 cup butter, softened
1⁄2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon baking powder
Amish Wedding Foods mint jelly
(available at Bench's)
Cream butter and sugar.
Add egg and vanilla, beat until smooth.
In separate bowl, combine flour, cornstarch and baking powder. Mix well.
Stir in flour mixture with butter, sugar and egg. Mix well.
Roll dough in to 1 inch balls. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Use the end of a wooden spoon or use your thumb to press an indention in the middle of the dough. Add a small amount of jelly.
Bake at 375 for 8 - 10 minutes.
Back By Popular Demand!

$35 Family Photo Package
December 13, 2015
1 pm-4 pm
Let Streight's Photography capture your memories and
The Christmas Shoppe at Bench's
provide the festive backdrop.
No need for reservations but they are gladly accepted by calling Jill at 419.862.3596.
and receive
40% off
Holiday Purchases
December 17th - 23rd
Vote on our Website in January
for the ugliest Sweater!

December 10th - 15th
Save 30% off*
Holiday Purchases
Wearing your 2015 Shirt!!!
* excludes Gift Certificates, 2016 Shirts, Live Plants & Greens, Discounted Items & Cemetery
excludes Gift Certificates, 2016 Shirts, Live Plants & Greens, Discounted Items & Cemetery
The Dirt...
Green Scene...

Norway Spruce
Dig This...

Collect ashes from your fireplace. Then put them onto your compost heap to increase the potassium content, which is valuable to plants when you reuse your compost in the garden.
Do not place in direct sunlight
when flowering to prolong bloom time.
Needle Length: 2 in
Cone Length: 5 in
Purchase a LIVE tree then PLANT it!

2016 Super Saver T Shirt

Holiday Hours
December 24 9am - 3pm
December 25 Closed
December 26 9am - 5pm
December 27 Noon - 5pm
December 28 9am - 5 pm
December 29 9am- 5pm
December 30 9am-5pm
December 31 9am- 3pm
We will see you SPRING 2016!

Bench's Greenhouse & Nursery
Your Place for All Seasons!