May 2014
Bonus Bucks
May 1-May 31

What 's
Seedin & Weedin...
Getting to the
Root of It...
height 16-20″
spacing 8-20″ apart
full sun tolerant
uses in garden: as a border, great in containers, fragrant
use in salads, on sandwiches

Amethyst Basil

Earn $5 Bonus Bucks for every $50 purchased from May 1-May 31, 2014.
Use your bonus Bucks for up to 50% off your total purchase from June 15-July 31, 2014.
ex: $5 off a $10 (or more) purchase
No cash value, No change given, Bonus Bucks can not be used towards gift certificates, bagged goods, deliveries, returned purchases, labor services, or farm market items.

Maumee Valley Growers
Partners with
Ronald McDonald Charities of Northwest Ohio
Tuesday May 13-Saturday May 17
Round Up For Ronald
Round up any purchase to the nearest dollar amount and Bench's will donate to the landscaping project at the NEW Ronald McDonald House being built in NW Ohio.

Visit Us.....
Flower Days at the Toledo Farmer's Market
May 24 and 25

Remember Mom
May 11th
Seperate perennials as they emerge. Make certain to gather as much root system as the plant's current height for best results.
The Dirt...
Sun: Plant in full sun.
Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant
Features:Attracts Birds, Fragrance, Good for Containers, Low Maintenance

Green Scene...

Hardy to Zone 5
Height 24”–30”
Width 30”–36”
Bloom time: June through hard frost
Flower Color: Mixed
Foliage Color: Green
Pink & Blue
Hydrangea L A Dreamin
Dig This...

Fairy Garden Canopy Bed
You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt. ~Author Unknown
Bench's Greenhouse & Nursery
Your Place for All Seasons!