November 2014
Super Saver T-Shirt
Discount Days

Seedin & Weedin...
Getting to the Root of It...
*Red is the most popular color followed by pink and white.
*Avoid Hot or Cold drafts
*Keep the soil moist.
*Give adequate light.


Did you purchase one of these? Wear it to The Christmas Shoppe at Bench's November 14, 15, & 16th and receive 20% off your Holiday Decor purchase for 3 days ONLY!

Gala Holiday Open House
November 21st,22nd, & 23rd
Come and see what's new and enjoy the holiday atmosphere in The Christmas Shoppe at Bench's.
Join us for refreshments and specials.

Watch for emails regarding special savings at The Christmas Shoppe at Bench's this season.
Some restrictions apply. See store for details.

Do not cut grasses back until spring. Enjoy the plumes throughout the winter months.
Cutting now allows ice and snow to penetrate the plant.
The Dirt...
Now taking orders for
Thanksgiving Amish Baked Goods.
Order through November 18th.
Call 419.862.3596 TODAY!
Tips to Winter Over ...
-Leave foliage on until Spring
-Mulch heavily

Hardy Mum
Green Scene...

Height: Up to 60 ft.
Width: 20-40 ft.
Needle: 2-4 in. long
Fruit: 3 in. long cone
Austrian Pine
Dig This...

2015 Super Saver T Shirts are HERE!!!
“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” — Marcel Proust
Bench's Greenhouse & Nursery
Your Place for All Seasons!